3B. Web and Data Services 101
Web and Data Services
To sign in automatically:
You can sign in to your Google Talk account automatically every time you turn on your device.
1. In the Friends list, press and tap
More > Settings.
2. Select the
Automatically sign in check box.
3. Press to save your setting.
Signing out
ᮣ In the friends list, press and tap More > Sign out when you want to sign out from Google Talk.
Accessing Sprint Instant Messaging
Sprint provides you with access to popular instant messaging (IM) communities, including AOL
Messenger, and Yahoo!
1. To launch Sprint Instant Messaging, press and tap
> IM.
2. Tap a community:
AIM, Windows Live Messenger, or Yahoo! Messenger.
3. Enter the required sign-in information for the selected community, such as user name or password, and
then tap
Sign In.
The instant messaging screen for your selected community will then be displayed, and you can start chatting
online with your friends or family.
Downloading Applications and Games From Android Market
Android Market provides direct access to useful applications and fun games which you can download and
install on your device. Android Market also allows you to send feedback and comments about an
application, or flag an application that you find objectionable or incompatible with your device.
Opening Android Market
1. Press and tap > Market. (You may need to scroll down the screen to see the icon.)
2. When you open Android Market for the first time, the Terms of Service window will appear. Tap
Accept to
The information required to sign in will vary depending on the instant messaging community you are accessing.