Using Phone Features 53
To set up a conference call
1. Either put a call on hold, and dial a second number; or, accept a second
incoming call when you already have one in progress.
Tip To dial a second number, tap on the screen.
2. Tap .
Note Not all mobile phone networks support conference calling. Contact your wireless
service provider for details.
To turn on and off the Speakerphone
During a call, tap to toggle between turning on or off the speakerphone.
Tip You can also press and hold TALK/SEND to toggle between turning on or off the
Warning! To avoid damage to your hearing, do not hold your device against your ear when
the Speakerphone is turned on.
To mute the microphone during a call
Tap to toggle between turning on or off the microphone. When the
microphone is turned off, the mute icon
appears on the screen.
To open Notes while in a call
Tap .