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6.4 Connector, Back up battery replacement.
If you are authorized by HTC for component replacement, you could do below replacement with
following notice:
Back up battery replacement.
In case of back up battery defective, and
need to be replaced, please be noticed to
soldering requirement:
1. Soldering Spec must be within 350 C
/ 5 seconds.
2. Never touch the two pin in short
circuit ,release one by one.
Warranty Seal (Security Label)
Be sure to apply new Warranty seal once
the unit has been repaired before sending
back to customer.
P/N: 77H00083-00
In case of MB replacement, since the IMEI
has to follow new MB IMEI, repair site is
required to re-print Regulatory label to
change IMEI no, but Serial No. should
remain unchanged.
Put the Battery into its place and lock it.