
Adding and managing friends
The Friends list is where you add and manage your friends in Google Talk.
In Google Talk's Friends list, you can:
Invite a friend
1. Press , and then tap Add friend.
2. Enter the Google Talk instant messaging ID or Gmail address of
the friend you want to add.
3. Tap Send invitation.
View all
Initially, only those friends that you often chat with — the most
popular — are shown in the Friends list. To view all your friends,
press , and then tap All friends. To view only friends that you
often chat with, press , and then tap Most popular.
Make a friend
1. Press , and then tap All friends.
2. Press and hold a friend’s name, and then tap Always show friend.
Block a friend You can block a friend from sending you messages. When blocked,
your friend is removed from the Friends list and is added to the
Blocked friends list.
1. Press , and then tap All friends.
2. Press and hold a friend’s name, and then tap Block friend.
Unblock a
Press , and then tap More > Blocked.
View all
invited friends
Press , and then tap More > Invites. Friends who have not yet
accepted your invitation are listed on the screen.
Changing settings or signing out
In Google Talk's Friends list, press and then tap:
§ Settings to change the app and notification settings.
§ Sign out to sign out.
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