HUAWEI ME909u-521 LTE LGA Module
Application Guide
SIM Operation Application Scenarios
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
+CRSM: 144,0,"<response>"
<response> is the response data of
EFiccid. For details about <response>,
refer to the ETSI TS 102.221 protocol.
Update the content of the transparent
structure EFli file on the SIM card.
Update the content of the linear fixed
structure EFsms file on the SIM card.
Obtain the current directory information.
+CRSM: 108,"<length>","<status>"
<length> indicates <status>’s length in
<status> indicates the current directory
status by hexadecimal.
To read or update a file, appropriate commands must be used according to the file's
structure type (for details, refer to the description of file properties in the 3GPP TS 31.102
protocol). For transparent structure files, use 176 (Read Binary) and 214 (Update Binary).
For linear fixed structure files, use 178 (Read Record) and 220 (Update Record).
If <pathid> is not contained in the command, the module will prefer to access the files with
the same FID in the current directory.
Files can be accessed only when the access criteria are met. Otherwise the SIM card will
return PSWs indicating that the access authentication failed. If an EF file's read privilege is
PIN protected and the module does not have the PIN authenticated, PSWs indicating that
the access authentication failed will be returned after the +CRSM command is used to read
the EF file.
To use the +CRSM command to access the file content on the SIM card, the parameters
contained in the command must strictly meet the requirements in the ETSI TS 10.2221 and
3GPP TS 31.102. For detailed requirements, refer to the ETSI TS 102.221 and 3GPP TS