Technical Description of Components
1. Compressor
This is a fully hermetic, high back pressure single phase type; the internal components being mounted on
springs to minimise vibration.
2. Heat Exchanger
The heat exchanger is coil / tube design and incorporates an air / air and refrigerant / air heat exchanger with an
integral moisture separator
3. Air Cooled Condenser
A fan assisted air cooled condenser is used to remove the remaining heat from the refrigerant. Air movement is
achieved by a multi-bladed propeller type fan directly driven by a single phase motor.
4. Hot Gas By-pass Valve
This valve is installed such that discharge gas may be diverted to the suction line when the suction temperature
starts to fall below a preset level. This level is set such that the moisture removed from the system cannot
freeze in the evaporator.
5. Controller
A digital readout temperature controller is fitted to allow the operating condition of the dryer to be monitored and
drain valve settings to be adjusted.
6. Casing
The unit is housed in coated sheet steel casing. Removable covers are fitted where necessary to provide
access for service or repair.