Corrective actionExplanationState nameState code
Call your service provider.Modem has been put in a suspended
state by the NOCC. This occurs if a
customer’s bill is overdue or if service
is terminated.
Call your service provider.Modem has been put in maintenance
state by the NOCC.
Call your service provider.Modem has been put in out-of-service
state by the NOCC.
Out of Service35
Viewing the state codes list
To view a list of state codes with an explanation of each code:
Click the underlined state code number.
A pop-up window appears that briey identies each state code. If you do not see the pop-up window, it may be
hidden by other windows; if this happens, minimize other open windows.
Scroll down to see the entire list of state codes.
Connectivity Test page
You can use the Connectivity Test page to test the connection between the satellite modem and the satellite. Instructions
for the test are provided on the screen. No special conguration is required.
Chapter 2HN9000 Satellite Modem User Guide –
1037577-0001 Rev. A
System Control Center