Auto Recovery
Hunter’s Auto Recovery feature meets the ENERGY STAR
guidelines for energy efficiency by
allowing the heating or cooling system to recover gradually from an energy-saving setpoint
temperature to a comfort setpoint temperature.
Auto Recovery calculates how early to turn your system back On, so that the room temperature is
already comfortable by the start of the comfort temperature program period. Auto Recovery
works in both Heat and Cool modes.
■ When the thermostat is in Auto Recovery mode, the display
will alternate “RECO” with time, and the program indica-
tor will flash.
■ Auto Recovery can be disabled by sliding the Recovery
switch on the circuit board to disable.
■ Auto Recovery will not operate if Permanent hold or Tem-
porary hold is in operation.
■ Auto Recovery can be canceled manually if
HOLD / RETURN is pressed during the recovery
■ Auto Recovery will be canceled and change to Temporary
Manual Override mode if the setpoint is adjusted during
the recovery process.
Error Mode
If the thermostat is unable to control your system due to
an unexpected battery problem, the thermostat will enter
Error Mode. In this condition, the thermostat flashes
“Err” on the LCD display, and shuts off your system. To
correct this problem, replace the batteries with 2 new AA
alkaline batteries, even if you have recently replaced
them. Next, use a paper clip to press the RESET button
next to the keypad. You will need to reprogram your
thermostat and confirm normal operation.
If Error Mode returns, please call Hunter Technical support at 1-888-830-1326 for further infor-
Auto Cut Off
Your thermostat will automatically cut-off in Heat mode if the room temperature rises above 95˚F
(35˚C). It will cut-off in Cool mode if the room temperature drops below 40˚F (4˚C).
Note that if your system has malfunctioned and no longer responds to thermostat controls, the
Auto Cut-Off will have no effect.
If you experience any other problems, call 1-888-830-1326 from 8 AM to 5 PM Central Time for
technical assistance.
© 2003 Hunter Fan Company
41638-01 06/30/03
Hunter Fan Company
No Display
Entire Display Dims
Program Does Not Change
at your Desired Setting
Auto Fan Does Not Turn
On Properly
Heating or Cooling Does
Not Go On or Off
Erratic Display
If unit continues to operate
in the Off position
Thermostat permanently
reads “HI”, “LO”, or “ERR”
1. Check battery connections and batteries.
2. Press RESET button with a small pin and hold in for
two seconds.
1. Replace Batteries
1. Check that the time is set properly to “AM”
or “PM”.
2. Check that the thermostat is not in Permanent
HOLD mode.
3. Check for the correct day setting.
1. Move HG/HE selector to correct position.
1. Check that the function switch is in the correct
position (“HEAT” or “COOL”).
2. There may be as much as 4-minute delay before the
system turns On - wait and check. (Compressor
protection delay.)
3. Check your circuit breakers and switches to ensure
there is power to the system.
4. Replace batteries.
5. Make sure your furnace blower door is closed
6. If your system only uses 4-wires, be sure the jumper
wire is installed between the RC and RH terminals.
1. Press the reset button once with a small pin and
hold for two seconds. Then reprogram.
1. Replace unit.
1. Replace unit.