502 54 15-01
Centrifugal clutch
Dismantle the clutch from the crank-
Replace the spark plug with piston stop
no. 502 54 15-01.
Move the engine body to the side so
that the clutch becomes accessible.
Unscrew the clutch from the crankshaft.
Remove the 3 bolts and separate the
Fix the clutch in a vice and remove the
3 bolts.
Lift off the front cover plate and the
clutch shoes.
Do not lose the sleeve bearings
found in the clutch shoes.
Twist apart the clutch. Twist apart the clutch.
Clean and inspect the different parts
with regard to wear or other damage.
Clean and inspect the different parts
with regard to wear or other damage.
Wear on the clutch shoes must not be
greater than shown in the illustration.
Check the play in the sleeve bearings in
the clutch shoes and the wear on the
springs by the fastening hooks.