Shaft fastener
Use the shaft fastener every time you start the
machine, fastening the connector to the
supporting device. This way, the shaft will be
held in place while your hands are busy with the
starting procedure.
Antivibration device
The machine is equipped with an antivibration
device (fig. A no. 30) which serves to reduce the
vibrations transmitted to the operator.
Engine stop device
Turn the stop button Stop (fig. A no. 8) to O /
STOP to stop the engine. To make sure this
button works properly, start the engine and
check that it stops when the Stop button is turned
to the Stop position.
Protection for transport
The guard covers the sharp extremities of the
blade when the machine is in the resting position
for transport or storage.
Safety guard
This very important safety device (fig. A no.19)
prevents any objects that come into contact with
the cutting device, or the grass itself, from flying
up and striking the operator.
Safety pole guard
This device, fastened to the machine, ensures a
minimum distance between the operator and the
cutting device during use, and prevents the
machine from striking and injuring the operator if
the blade hits a hard surface (fig. A no. 18).
The muffler serves to reduce the noise level to a
minimum and to route the exhaust fumes
produced by the combustion engine away from
the operator.
Backpack release buckles
Before using the machine study the release
buckles on the backpack and make sure you are
able to use them quickly. If you have to remove
the backpack rapidly, proceed as follows: hold
the grip firmly in your right hand and use your left
to release first the belt and then the left shoulder
strap, letting the motor slip to the ground from
your right shoulder.
Preparation of the mixture
To obtain the best mixture, pour the oil into an
approved container first, followed by the
gasoline, and shake the container well (every
time you take fuel out of it).
The characteristics of the mixture tend to
deteriorate in time, so you should only prepare
as much mixture as you are going to need (the
use of deteriorated fuel can seriously damage
the engine).
Filling the tank
Clean the area around the fuel cap before
removing it, to prevent any impurities from
contaminating the fuel. Take the cap off the fuel
container carefully. Unscrew the cap on the fuel
tank and fill it with the necessary quality, using a
funnel. During use, to prevent problems in
starting the engine again, we strongly
recommend that you avoid letting the fuel run out
in the tank.
Fuel storage
Never use a machine with the blade
cover still on.
1 2 3 4 12
4 10 13
1 2 3 4 10
Stop the cutting device before dropping
the shaft.
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 6 7 9 14
1 2 3 4 12
D. Fuel Mixture
Do not use any other type of fuel than the
type recommended in this manual. This
machine is equipped with a two-stroke
engine and should therefore be fueled
with a mixture of unleaded gasoline (with
a minimum octane rating = 90) and fully
synthetic oil specific for two-speed
engines that use unleaded gasoline in
the proportions indicated in the table on
the cover, fig. D.
Control the specifications of the oil shown
on the package; the use of oil lacking the
specifications expressly indicated in this
manual could cause serious damage to
the engine!
7 14 16
Store the fuel in a cool, well-ventilated
place, in an approved fuel storage
14 15
14 15