1. Tensioner body
2. Detent pin
3. Nut/spring assembly
Pump belt removal
Check every 100 hours of operation. Check for severe
cracking and large nicks.
NOTE: The belt will show some small cracks in normal
Clutch Belt
1. Disconnect the negative cable from the battery.
2. Remove the rear engine guard.
3. Remove clutch belt guard.
4. Loosen, but do not remove, the bolt securing
tensioner to the left gear box mount. Access the
bolt through the back of the gear box mount.
When pressing the detent pin, the
tensioner will rotate clockwise. To
prevent injury, grip the adjustable
wrench firmly.
5. Place an adjustable wrench on the tensioner body
and slightly rotate the wrench clockwise to relieve
pressure on the detent pin. With the pressure
relieved from the pin, press in on the nut/spring
assembly to compress spring and unlock the
6. Remove belt from pulleys.
1. Place belt over gear box and clutch pulleys first
and then over the idler pulley.
2. Place the adjustable wrench over the tensioner
body and rotate clockwise until the detent pin
locks into the notch in the tensioner body flange.
NOTE: Be sure the pin extends and locks
completely into the tensioner. The end of the pin
should be close to flush with the flange on the
tensioner body.
3. Torque the tensioner body bolt to 60-64 ft/lbs.
4. Reinstall clutch belt guard and rear engine guard.
5. Connect negative battery cable to battery.