14 - English
The following maintenance steps should be followed
to maximise optimal performance and reliability of the
Daily Inspection of Micro Filters:
It is highly recommended that operators check dust
levels inside secondary fi lter housing on a daily basis.
This will indicate the effectiveness of the primary fi lters.
If there is dust building up inside the secondary fi lter
housing, it is more than likely due to one of the follow-
ing reasons:
1. Small holes or perforations have developed in
primary fi lters.
2. There is a problem with a seal in the primary fi lter
housing assembly. If when inspected, it is found that
there is dust building up inside the secondary fi lter
housing, it is recommended to remove the primary
fi lters and check for small holes or perforations.
Usually, small holes will begin to develop around the
stitching of the fi lter media. If small holes are locat-
ed, clean area around hole with either compressed
air or vacuum. Once area is clean, the hole can be
repaired with silicone sealant. If no small holes or
perforations are found, check rubber seals in the
primary fi lter housing assembly and make sure they
are all intact.
Generally speaking, with consistent use, the primary
fi lters should be replaced approximately every 6
months. This will maintain good suction levels and
reduce incidence of holes developing in the fi lters.
The secondary fi lter should be changed every 12
months. Made from a polyester fi lter media, the sec-
ondary fi lters can be washed out with water. Ensure
they are fully dry prior to re-installation.
On re-installation of the secondary fi lter, ensure the
seals are fi rmly pressed against the wall of the sec-
ondary fi lter housing. This contact can be assessed
by looking down through the fi lter link hose coupling.