12. Belt Adjuster, Hydraulic Pumps
Lubricate using a grease gun, 1 nipple, until
the grease squeezes out.
Use only good quality molybdenum
disulphide grease.
Grease from well-known brand names
(petrochemical companies, etc.) usually
maintains a good quality.
13. Changing the Oil Filter
1. Drain the engine oil in accordance with
the work description under the heading
Engine Oil/Change Engine Oil.
2. Disassemble the oil filter. If necessary,
use a filter remover.
3. Wipe new, clean engine oil onto the seal
for the new filter.
4. Mount the filter by hand with + 3/4 turn.
5. Run the engine warm, then check that
there are no leaks around the oil filter
6. Check the oil level in the engine, top up
if necessary. The oil filter holds 0.2 liters
of oil.
Lubricating the belt adjuster
Be spartan and remove excess lubricant so
that is does not come into contact with
belts or belt pulley drive surfaces.
Changing the oil filter