English – 45
Dimensions Rider 155
Length incl. cutting unit 2200 mm/7.22 ft
Width incl. cutting unit 1110 mm/3.64 ft
Height 1060 mm/3.52 ft
Weight 282 kg/622 lb including Combi 103 unit
Wheel base 855 mm/2.8 ft
Track Front 715 mm/2.34 ft, rear 625 mm/2.05 ft
Tyre size 16 x 6.50 x 8
Tyre pressure, front 60 kPa (0.6 kp/cm
/8.5 PSI)
& rear
Max. gradient 15°
Manufacture Kohler Engines model CV15
Power 11.4/15.5 kW/h.p.
Displacement 426 cm
/26 cuin
Fuel Min. 87 octane unleaded (Research min 90 octane)
(Gasohol < 10% etyl alcohol or MTBE < 15% by volume)
Tank volume 7 litres/7.4 USqt
Oil SAE 10W/30 (SAE 5W/30 below freezing point)
class SG or SH
Oil volume 1.9 litres/1.8 USqt
Start Electric starter
Noise emissions and cutting width
Measured noise level 100 dB(A)
Guaranteed noise level 100 dB(A)
Cutting width 1030 mm/41"
Electrical system
Type 12 V, negative ground
Battery 12 V 24 Ah, maintenance free
Spark plug Champion RC12YC electrode gap = 1.02 mm/0.040"
Manufacture Tuff Torq K46
Oil SAE 10W/30, class SF-CC
Cutting unit
Type 3-blade unit with Combi function
Cutting width 1030 mm/41"
Cutting heights 9 positions, 45-95 mm/1 3/4"-3 3/4"
Blade diameter 410 mm/16 1/4"
We reserve the right to change technical specifications without prior notice.
Note that no legal claims are valid on the basis of information in this manual.
Use only genuine parts for repairs. The warranty is not valid if non genuine parts are used.
When this product is worn out or no longer used it should be returned to
the dealer or other appropriate body for recycling.