11. Before moving the machine forwards, you
should ensure that the cutting wheel is above
the ground and located on either side of the
stump. Move the machine forward by releasing
the brake, pushing it forward, activating the
brake again and repeating steps 9 and 10.
12. Repeat steps 9 through 11 until the upper
portion of the stump has been removed. DO
NOT cut deeper than ground level at this stage.
13. Set the throttle to SLOW/(START)
DISENGAGE and wait until the cutting wheel
stops rotating.
14. Release the brake and pull the machine away
from the stump.
15. It may be necessary to clear wood chips from
the area around the stump.
16. If you want to grind below the ground level, it
may become necessary to adjust the handle
position to achieve a better hand and arm work
position. Pull the handle control lever and adjust
the handle to the desired position.
17. Repeat steps 6 through 10 until you reach the
desired depth.
18. Shut off the machine when you are done.
Operating on hills
Be very careful when operating the stump grinder
on hills because the machine can slip or move
NEVER use the machine on grades of 10° or
The Husqvarna stump grinder can be transported
in a truck, trailer, van or a large SUV (Sport Utility
Vehicle). The stump grinder is equipped with two
lifting handles on each side so that two people can
lift the machine if necessary.
DO NOT attempt to lift the machine alone. Use safe
lifting techniques and DO NOT exceed your
physical limitations.
Secure the machine with tensioning belts, chains
or other approved materials.
The lifting handles can also be used to secure the machine for
4 inches