701344-003 Index-7
Split screen mode
Active and suspended screens, 8-2
Enhancements, 8-3
Entering, 8-2
Example, 8-9
Key assignments, 8-3
Keyboard keys, 8-3
Screen Print mode, 8-10
Top and bottom format, 8-2
Split Screen mode enhancements
Block copy, 8-8
Mark, 8-6
Mark field, 8-7
Mark/Paste, 8-7
Paste, 8-6
Paste field, 8-7
Paste horizontal, 8-6
Paste vertical, 8-6
Select bottom, 8-4
Select top, 8-4
Step active session, 8-5
Swap session, 8-5
Zoom, 8-3
Stationary Rule option, 3-11
Suppress Null Lines option, 3-34
System connection symbols, 3-41
System Manager menu, 7-2
Tab key, 4-5
Tab stops, 5-4
Test Menu, offline, 3-5
Basic Assurance, 7-2
KBD, 7-3
Mod Size, 7-4
Preliminary operating, 2-6
ThinkJet, Select Mode switches, A-1
Transparent mode, 3-20
Transparent option, 3-20
Trim Borders option, 3-34
Trimmed Print Corners option, 3-34
TRPQs, printer, 3-21
Up Arrow key, 4-5
User defined data, 7-10
User Defined Data screen, 7-11
Vertical refresh rate, adjusting, 2-5, 4-2
Wide Paper option, 3-33
Word wrap, 5-6
Zoom key, 8-3, 9-3