Chapter 1. Introducing the IBM xSeries 220 3
Notices used in this book
The caution and danger notices also appear in the multilingual Safety Information book
provided on the IBM xSeries Documentation CD that comes with your xSeries product.
Each notice is numbered for easy reference to the corresponding notices in the safety
The following types of notices are used in this book:
• Note: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice.
• Important: These notices provide information or advice that might help you
avoid inconvenient or problem situations.
• Attention: These notices indicate possible damage to programs, devices, or data.
An attention notice is placed just before the instruction or situation in which
damage could occur.
• Caution: These notices indicate situations that can be potentially hazardous to
you. A caution notice is placed just before the description of a potentially
hazardous procedure step or situation.
• Danger: These notices indicate situations that can be potentially lethal or
extremely hazardous to you. A danger notice is placed just before the
description of a potentially lethal or extremely hazardous procedure step or
What your xSeries 220 offers
The design of your server takes advantage of advancements in symmetric
multiprocessing (SMP), data storage, and memory management. Your server
• Impressive performance using an innovative approach to SMP
Your server supports up to two Pentium III microprocessors. Your server comes
with one microprocessor installed; you can install an additional microprocessor
to enhance performance and provide SMP capability.
• Large system memory
The memory bus in your server supports up to 4GB of system memory. The
memory controller provides error correcting code (ECC) support for up to four
industry-standard PC133, 3.3 V,168-pin, 8-byte, registered, synchronous-
dynamic-random access memory (SDRAM) dual in-line memory modules
• System-management capabilities
You can use the system-management software that is included with your server
to manage the functions of the server locally and remotely. Refer to the
documentation that comes with your system-management software for more
• Integrated network environment support
Your server comes with an Ethernet controller on the system board. This
Ethernet controller has an interface for connecting to 10-Mbps or 100-Mbps
networks. The server automatically selects between 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX
environments. The controller provides full-duplex (FDX) capability, which
allows simultaneous transmission and reception of data on the Ethernet local
area network (LAN).