Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W 1
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter discusses the following topics:
Netcool/Proviso Technology Packs are individually installed modules that contain discovery, grouping,
collection, and reporting instructions created by Technology Pack developers or Professional Services personnel
for a specific network technology or network equipment provider, such as Cisco IP Telephony.
Once installed, a Technology Pack “programs” Netcool/Proviso to inventory and group specific network
resources, perform mathematical calculations on raw or aggregated data streams collected from these resources,
and produce key performance monitoring metrics that are stored on the Netcool/Proviso database. Reporter sets
designed for each Technology Pack query the database for this information and display the results on a web portal
in the form of specialized report tables, graphs, and charts.
This chapter provides an overview of how Technology Packs work with Netcool/Proviso to collect, process, load,
and report data from a network environment.
How is the Data Collected?
After a Netcool/Proviso Technology Pack has been installed, an inventory process must be run so that the
Technology Pack’s target network resources can be identified and modeled within Netcool/Proviso as sub-
elements. Sub-elements must be created before data from any network resource can be collected, processed, and
stored in the database.
How sub-elements are discovered depends on whether the target resources are SNMP resources or non-SNMP
• For SNMP network resources, a Technology Pack provides a discovery formula. Discovery formulas are used
to evaluate network resources, determine which resources become sub-elements, and set values for items
defined as properties in the formula. Once all the sub-elements have been discovered and created in the
database, the inventory process organizes the sub-elements according to the grouping rules provided by a
Topic Page
Overview 1
How is the Data Collected? 1
How is the Data Processed and Loaded into the Database? 2
How is the Data Reported? 3