NetBAY Power Distribution Units 181
Line cords
Two 4.3 m (14 ft) country-specific line cords that you use to connect your Rack PDU to
properly wired, grounded, and dedicated power sources come with the Rack PDU.
One line cord is for the Main inlet (primary power source), and the other line cord is
for the Backup inlet (backup power source). The following table contains a list of line
cords that you can use with the Rack PDU:
Parts listing (Power Distribution Units)
Power Source Line cord rating Plug type
Line cord
part #
100–127 V ac, 20 A 127 V ac, 18 A IEC 320-C19 to NEMA L5-20P 12J5117
200–240 V ac, 20 A 250 V ac, 18 A IEC 320-C19 to NEMA L6-20P 14F1553
220–240 V ac, 16 A 250 V ac, 16 A IEC 320-C19 to CEE7-VII 14F1554
220–240 V ac, 16 A 250 V ac, 16 A IEC 320-C19 to IEC 309-2P + Gnd 36L8823
220–240 V ac, 16 A 250 V ac, 16 A IEC 320-C19 to SII 32 14F1561
220–240 V ac, 16 A 250 V ac, 16 A IEC 320-C19 to CEI 23-16 14F1560
220–240 V ac, 16 A 250 V ac, 16 A IEC 320-C19 to SABS 164 14F1557
220–240 V ac, 13 A 250 V ac, 13 A IEC 320-C19 to BS 1363/A 12J5988
220–240 V ac, 15 A 250 V ac, 15 A IEC 320-C19 to AS/NZ 3112 14F1559
220–240 V ac, 15 A 250 V ac, 15 A IEC 320-C19 to GB 2099.1 01K9852
220–240 V ac, 15 A 250 V ac, 15 A IEC 320-C19 to IRAM 2063 36L8885
Power Distribution Unit FRU
Rack PDU 09N9668
Server PDU 09N9669
Front End PDU 09N9670
Common Mounting Hardware Kit 09N9671
3-Phase NEMA L21-30P Line Cord (200-250 V ac) 24P6844
3-Phase IEC 309-3P+N+Gnd Line Cord (380-415 V ac) 24P6845
1-Phase NEMA L5-30P Line Cord (100-127 V ac) 24P6846
1-Phase NEMA L6-30P Line Cord (200-240 V ac) 24P6847
1-Phase IEC 309-2P+Gnd Line Cord (200-240 V ac) 24P6848