Ethernet Controller Messages
Ethernet Controller Messages
The integrated Ethernet controller might display messages from the following device
Novell NetWare or IntraNetWare Server ODI
NDIS Adapter for level 2.01 (OS/2)
NDIS Adapter for level 4.0 (Windows NT)
Novell NetWare or IntraNetWare Server ODI Driver Messages
This section contains the error messages for the Novell NetWare or IntraNetWare
server ODI driver. The explanation and recommended action are included with
each message.
PCNTNW-NW-026 The MSM is unable to parse a required custom keyword.
Explanation: The user entered an incorrect parameter keyword.
Action: Reload the driver using the correct keyword.
PCNTNW-NW-054 The adapter did not respond to the initialization command.
Explanation: The adapter did not respond when the driver tried to initialize it.
Action: Verify that the PCI Ethernet device type is set to the default (enabled) setting in the
Configuration/Setup utility programs (see “PCI Bus Control” on page 29). If the Ethernet adapter is
enabled, go to “Diagnostic Test Programs” on page 111 to run the diagnostic utility.
PCNTNW-NW-058 The adapter did not respond to the initialization command.
Explanation: The interrupt request (IRQ) setting might not be valid or the EEPROM information might
be incorrect.
Action: Make sure the IRQ settings are correct in the Configuration/Setup utility programs. See “PCI
Bus Control” on page 29 for information on setting the interrupt requests. If the IRQ settings are
correct, have the system serviced.
PCNTNW-NW-066 The cable might be disconnected from the adapter.
Explanation: The cable might be disconnected from the server Ethernet port.
Action: Verify that a cable is connected to the Ethernet port.
PCNTNW-NW-071 The matching virtual adapter could not be found.
Explanation: You tried to load another instance of the driver with a different I/O address. This new
adapter could not be found.
Action: If you installed an Ethernet adapter, such as an IBM Netfinity 10/100 Fault Tolerant Adapter,
as part of Ethernet redundancy (failover), make sure that the adapter is seated correctly. If the adapter
is seated correctly, have the system serviced.
PCNTNW-NW-072 A resource tag is unavailable.
Explanation: The driver tried to allocate some resources that were not available.
Action: Add or free some memory in the server. Then, restart the server.
PCNTNW-NW-073 Unable to allocate memory.
Explanation: The driver failed to allocate the memory needed for normal operation.
Action: Add more memory, or free some memory resources in the server. Then, restart the server.
136 Netfinity 5000 Server Hardware Information and Procedures