
Laser Compliance
All Lasers are certified in the U.S. to conform to the requirements of DHHS 21 CFR
Subchapter J for class 1 laser products. Outside the U.S., they are certified to be in
compliance with the IEC 825 (first edition 1984) and as a class 1 laser product.
Consult the label on each part for laser certification numbers and approval
Laser Safety Information
This product may contain a CD-ROM which is a class 1 laser product.
All IBM laser modules are designed so that there is never any human access to
laser radiation above a class 1 level during normal operation, user maintenance,
or prescribed service conditions. Data processing environments can contain
equipment transmitting on system links with laser modules that operate at
greater than class 1 power levels. For this reason, never look into the end of an
optical fiber cable or open receptacle. Only trained service personnel should
perform the inspection or repair of optical fiber cable assemblies and
receptacles. (RSFTC243)
Product Recycling and Disposal
Components of the system, such as structural parts and circuit cards, can be
recycled where recycling facilities exist. IBM does not currently collect and recycle
used IBM products from customers in the United States other than those products
that are involved in trade-in programs. Companies are available to disassemble,
reutilize, recycle, or dispose of electronic products. Contact an IBM account
representative for more information.
The system unit contains batteries and circuit boards with lead solder. Before you
dispose of this unit, these batteries and circuit boards must be removed and
discarded according to local regulations or recycled where facilities exist. This book
contains specific information on each battery type where applicable.
Battery Return Program
In the United States, IBM has established a collection process for reuse, recycling,
or proper disposal of used IBM batteries and battery packs. For information on
proper disposal of the batteries in this unit, please contact IBM at 1-800-426-4333.
Please have the IBM part number that is listed on the battery available when you
make your call. For information on battery disposal outside the United States,
contact your local waste disposal facility.
Environmental Design
The environmental efforts that have gone into the design of the system signify
IBMs commitment to improve the quality of its products and processes. Some of
these accomplishments include the elimination of the use of Class I
ozone-depleting chemicals in the manufacturing process, reductions in
manufacturing wastes, and increased product energy efficiency. For more
information, contact an IBM account representative.
vi Setting up your 0578, 5074, 5078 or 5079 Expansion Unit V5R2