5580 5582
5580 5583
5581 5580
5581 5582
5581 5583
5590 5582
5590 5583
5591 5582
5591 5583
IBM service representatives can assist you for a fee. The fee may not apply if the conversion is
part of a larger MES that requires installation by a service representative.
Cable orders: No cable orders required
Tape cartridges
30GB 1/4-inch Cartridge Tape Units
Data cartridges (write and read):
-- IBM SLR60-37.5GB (24R0146) 37.5GB
-- IBM SLR60-30GB (19P4209) 30GB
-- IBM SLR100-5GB (35L0661) 5GB
50GB 1/4-inch Cartridge Tape Units
Data cartridges (write and read):
-- IBM SLR100-50GB (35L0968) 50GB
-- IBM SLR60-37.5GB (24R0146) 37.5GB
-- IBM SLR60-30GB (19P4209) 30GB
-- IBM SLR100-5GB (35L0661) 5GB
36 GB DAT72 4-mm tape drives
Data cartridges (write and read):
-- IBM DDS3 Data Cartridge (59H3465) 12GB
-- IBM DDS4 Data Cartridge (59H4456) 20GB
-- IBM DAT72 Data Cartridge (18P7912) 36GB
Cleaning cartridges
36 GB DAT72 4-mm tape drives
Test and cleaning cartridges
-- IBM DAT72 Cleaning Cartridge (21F8763)
-- IBM Test Cartridge (59H4457)
All data cartridge capacities shown are uncompressed.
Sales and support
You can get assistance, answers to product-related questions, or arrange for a warranty product
replacement — with just one call. To locate your nearest source for ordering IBM media
products, call the following numbers worldwide:
888-IBM-MEDIA (426-6334) in the U.S. and Canada
+1-972-881-0733 in Latin America and Asia/Pacific
+31-433-502-756 in Europe, the Middle East and Africa
+81-3-3808-8486 in Japan
IBM United States Announcement 107-182
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