Chapter 2. Installing Netcool/Precision TN 19
Running the installation in console mode
The console mode uses a text-based user interface to present installation options using a
series of menus and prompts.
To run the Netcool Installer in console mode:
1. From a command prompt, navigate to the directory where you extracted the
Netcool/Precision for Transmission Networks archive bundle.
2. Give the downloaded file execute permissions for yourself, for example:
chmod +x precisiontn-5.5-sun.sh
3. Run the installation program using the following command; optional command line
parameters are shown in square brackets.
./INSTALL -console [-errorlevel ERRORLEVEL]
You can use the optional -errorlevel command line parameter to define the level
of detail in the error messages written to the Netcool Installer log. Omitting this
parameter defaults the log file level to warning messages only. The ERRORLEVEL
variable in this parameter takes one of three values:
– debug - Detailed logging for debug purposes
– info - Logs warning and informational messages
– warning - Logs warning messages only
4. The script then asks where to install Netcool/Precision TN. The default location is
/opt/netcool/precisiontn. You need sufficient permissions to create the
directory. Once you enter a valid directory, the tar file starts unpacking.
If the $OMNIHOME variable is set, the installation attempts to configure
Netcool/Precision TN appropriately.
Note: You can set this location as your $NCHOME value at a later stage as part of your
post-installation tasks.
5. When the Welcome information appears, press Enter to continue.
6. Read the IBM license agreement and type y to accept the terms and then press Enter to
The menu of installable features and installation options appears.
7. To select or remove a feature for installation, type the number of the feature and press
Enter. All selected features have the notation [I] in the Select column, and
deselected features have the [] notation. You can also type s to select all features, or u
to deselect all features.
8. To start the installation process, type i and press Enter.