Send us your comments!
We want to know your opinion about this manual (part number 06P1504).
Your input will help us to improve our publications.
Please photocopy this survey, complete it, and then fax it to IBM HMM
Survey at 919-543-8167 (USA).
Name: _________________________________________
Phone number: __________________________________
1. Do you like this manual?
h Yes h No
2. What would you like to see added, changed, or deleted in this manual?
3. What is your service experience level?
h Less than five years
h More than five years
4. Which Servers do you service most?
Thank you for your response!
Problem determination tips
Due to the variety of hardware and software combinations that can be
encountered, use the following information to assist you in problem
determination. If possible, have this information available when requesting
assistance from Service Support and Engineering functions.
v Machine type and model
v Processor or hard disk upgrades
Chapter 4. Related Service Information 227