Diagnostics 41
UNIX messages
This section provides descriptions of the Ethernet error messages for the SCO UNIX
LLI driver, and suggested actions to resolve each problem.
Table 4. NDIS (Windows NT) driver messages for the Ethernet controller.
PermaNet™ Server: No Secondary Adapter Found. Grouping Mode is disabled.
Explanation: The failover option requires an adapter that is compatible with the device
driver of the Ethernet controller on the system board. No such adapter was found.
Action: Make sure the correct adapter is installed.
PermaNet Server: Problem Occurs on the Primary Adapter. Switching over to the Secondary Adapter.
Explanation: The system detected a problem with the primary Ethernet connection and
has transferred all network traffic to the secondary Ethernet controller.
Action: identify the cause of the failure on the primary Ethernet connection. Restoring
the operational state of the primary connection will cause the network traffic to
automatically transfer to the primary Ethernet controller.
PermaNet Server: Switching back to Primary Adapter.
Explanation: The primary Ethernet connection is now operating correctly. Network
traffic will automatically transfer to the primary Ethernet controller.
Action: None needed, message is for information only.
Table 5. UNIX LLI driver messages for the Ethernet controller.
pnt0-2 PCI search specified, PCI device not found!
Explanation: The driver cannot locate the Ethernet controller on the PCI bus.
• Run the NETCONFIG program to search for another Ethernet controller
• Verify that the Ethernet controller is enabled. If the Ethernet controller is enabled, run the
diagnostic programs.
pnt0-6 Cannot allocate memory for the adapter during an interrupt. Please check the Streams
Explanation: On a SunSoft Solaris system, this message indicates that the system is out of
Streams memory blocks.
Action: Use the CRASH utility to increase the number of Streams memory blocks. Modify the
interrupt request (IRQ) settings in the Configuration/Setup Utility program, or run the
NETCONFIG program to match the hardware settings.
pnt0-7 Cannot allocate memory for the adapter during reset. Please check the Streams parameters.
Explanation: The system is out of Streams memory blocks.
Action: Use the CRASH utility to increase the number of Streams memory blocks.
pnt0-11 Device not found!
Explanation: The driver cannot find an Ethernet controller.
Action: Verify that the Ethernet controller is enabled. If the Ethernet controller is enabled, run
the diagnostic programs.