Product Recovery Program
The product recovery program is on a separate hard drive partition.
At startup, the machine displays the following prompt:
To start the Product Recovery Program, press F11
Attention: Make sure all data is backed up to avoid loss when the Product
Recovery program is used.
After depressing F11, you are given the following options.
v Factory Contents
This utility reformats the hard drive and restores all original files.
v System utilities
1. Repair (Windows NT 4.0 and 2000 Only)
This runs the Windows NT 4.0 emergency repair utility.
2. Run Diagnostics
Runs the IBM Enhanced Diagnostic Program.
3. Create a Diagnostics Diskette
Creates a bootable diagnostic diskette.
4. System Information
Displays information about the computer configuration and allows the user
to gather system information that would be needed during a Help Center
5. Create Recovery/Repair Diskette (Disk to Disk Solution Only)
Creates a startable diskette to restore access to the IBM Product Recovery
program on the hard disk.
6. Recovery CD
In the event of a Hard Disk Drive failure, a Recovery CD can be used to
restore the Hard Disk Drive to the original factory preset. Be sure to use the
Recovery CD FRU list to obtain the proper recovery CD for the computer
model you are servicing.
Chapter 8. Additional Service Information 117