+FPHCTO Phase C time out.
+FPOLL Indicates polling request.
+FPTS: Page transfer status.
+FPTS= Page transfer status.
+FREV? Identify revision.
+FSPT Enable polling.
+FTSI: Report the transmit station ID.
Voice commands
#BDR Select Baud Rate
#CID Enable Caller ID detection and reporting format
#CLS Select Data, Fax or Voice/Audio
#MDL? Identify Model
#MFR? Identify Manufacturer
#REV? Identify Revision Level
#TL Audio output transmit level
#VBQ? Query Buffer Size
#VBS Bits per sample (ADPCM or PCM)
#VBT Beep Tone Timer
#VCI? Identify Compression Method
#VLS Voice line select
#VRA Ringback goes away timer
#VRN Ringback never came timer
#VRX Voice Receive Mode
#VSDB Silence deletion tuner
#VSK Buffer skid setting
#VSP Silence detection period
#VSR Sampling rate selection
#VSS Silence deletion tuner
#VTD DTMF tone reporting capability
#VTM Enable timing mark placement
#VTS Generate tone signals
#VTX Voice transmit mode
32 User Guide