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Strategy for Replacing FRUs for CTO, CMV, and GAV products
Product definition
Dynamic Configure To Order (CTO)
This provides the ability for a customer to configure an IBM solution from
an eSite, and have this configuration sent to fulfillment, where it is built
and shipped directly to the customer. The machine label, PC Entitlement
Warehouse (PEW), eSupport, and the HMM will load these products as the
4-digit MT and 3-digit model, where model = ’CTO’ (Example: 1829-CTO).
Custom Model Variant (CMV)
This is a unique configuration that has been negotiated between IBM and
the customer. A unique 4-digit MT and 3-digit model is provided to the
customer to place orders (Example: 1829-W15). A CMV is a special bid
offering. Therefore, it is NOT generally announced.
2 Hardware Maintenance Manual