If the resource associated with your action is not displayed on the
resource list, select sysplanar0.
Note: If the system attention indicator is on, this will set it back to
the normal state. Go to step 14.
12. When a test is run on a resource in system verification mode, and that resource has an entry in the
AIX error log, if the test on the resource was successful, the Resource Repair Action menu displays.
After replacing a FRU, you must select the resource for that FRU from the Resource Repair Action menu. This
updates the AIX error log to indicate that a system-detectable FRU has been replaced.
Note: If the system attention indicator is on, this action will set it back to the normal state.
Do the following steps:
1. Select the resource that has been replaced from the Resource Repair Action menu. If the repair action was
reseating a cable or adapter, select the resource associated with that repair action. If the resource associated with
your action is not displayed on the resource list, select sysplanar0.
2. Press Commit after you make your selections.
Did another Resource Repair Action (801015) display?
v Yes: Continue with the next step.
v No: If the No Trouble Found menu displays, go to step 14.
13. The parent or child of the resource you just replaced might also require that you run the Resource
Repair Action service aid on it.
When a test is run on a resource in system verification mode, and
that resource has an entry in the AIX error log, if the test on the
resource was successful, the Resource Repair Action menu displays.
After replacing that FRU, you must select the resource for that FRU
from the Resource Repair Action menu. This updates the AIX error
log to indicate that a system-detectable FRU has been replaced.
Note: If the system attention indicator is on, this action will set it
back to the normal state.
Do the following steps:
1. From the Resource Repair Action menu, select the parent or child
of the resource that has been replaced. If the repair action was
reseating a cable or adapter, select the resource associated with
that repair action. If the resource associated with your action is
not displayed on the resource list, select sysplanar0.
2. Press COMMIT after you make your selections.
Did the No Trouble Found menu display?
v Yes: Continue with the next step.
v No: Go to problem analysis.
14. If you changed the service processor or network settings, as instructed in previous MAPs, restore the
settings to the value they had prior to servicing the system. If you ran stand-alone diagnostics from
CD-ROM, remove the stand-alone diagnostics CD-ROM from the system.
88 Power Systems: Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB