
Line cords
The 2.5 m (8.2 ft) fixed line cord on the Rack PDU determines the connectivity of
the Rack PDU. The following table contains a list of the line cords that you can use
with the Rack PDU:
Power Source Line cord rating Plug type
Line cord
part #
100-127 V ac, 30 A,
127 V, 30 A NEMA L5-30P 24P6846
200-240 V ac, 30 A,
250 V, 30 A NEMA L6-30P 24P6847
200-240 V ac, 32 A,
250 V, 32 A IEC 309-2P + Gnd 24P6848
200-240 V ac, 30 A,
250 V, 30 A NEMA L21-30P 24P6844
380-415 V ac, 32 A,
415 V, 32 A IEC 309-3P + N + Gnd 24P6845
Power cables
The Rack PDU comes with three power cables, that you use to connect to other
M/PDU family devices, as listed in the following table:
Length Cable rating Plug type Cable part #
1 m (3.3 ft) 250 V, 16 A IEC 320-C19 to IEC 320-C20 00N7698
NetBAY server dual-cord Power Distribution Unit introduction
The IBM NetBAY Server Dual-cord Power Distribution Unit is part of the Rack
Modular Power Distribution Unit (M/PDU) family and enables you to connect one
server to two dedicated, independent, and redundant power sources, such as an
electrical outlet and an uninterruptable power supply (UPS). The Rack PDU has two
power inlets, for Main and Backup power connections, and four IEC standard power
1. You will have some unused parts depending upon how you install the Rack
2. When you install two Rack PDUs you will need some parts from both options.
3. You can install other M/PDU family devices next to your Rack PDU using
mounting hardware from both devices.
Installing Optional Devices 155