This chapter describes the following topics:
• 4/8 and 4/16 SAN Switch models,page15
Enabling E_Ports on the 4/8 SAN Switch ,page18
4/32 SAN Switch models,page20
•4/64SANSwitchmodels, page 24
4/32B SAN Switch models,page29
SAN Switch ISL T runking groups, page 31
Optional SAN Switch features,page32
SAN Swtich optional kits, page 33
4/8 and 4/16 S
AN Switch models
The HP Stora
geWorks 4/8 SAN Switch and 4/16 SAN Switch models include:
• HP StorageWorks 4/8 SAN Switch Base ships with eight ports activated and
no E_Port license. It includes Advanced Web Tools and Zoning as standard
software components.
• HP Storag
eWorks 4/8 SAN Switch Full ships with eight p orts activated and
includes a Full Fabric license, Advanced Web Tools, and Zoning as standard
software components.
• HP StorageWorks 4/16 SAN Switch ships with 16 ports activated and includes
• HP StorageWorks 4/16 SAN Switch Power Pa ck s h ips with 16 por ts activated
and includes a Full Fabric license, Advanced Web Tools, and Zoning as standard
software components. It also includes integrated licenses for all optional
management tools (including Advanced Performance Monitoring, ISL Trunking,
nded Fabric and Fabric Watch).
SAN Switch installation guide