v Appropriate host kit for your operating system, which includes the DS4000
Storage Manager Support CD containing the appropriate Storage Manager
version and storage subsystem controller firmware.
Depending on the DS4700 Express model you order, your DS4700 Express will
ship with either the Microsoft Windows host software attachment kit or with your
choice of host software kits (Windows, AIX, Linux, Netware, SUN Solaris, HP-UX,
Linux on POWER, or VMware). The host software kit grants you permission to
attach host servers using the appropriate operating system to the DS4700
Express. The kit includes a DS4000 Storage Manager Support CD that has the
appropriate IBM DS4000 Storage Manager host software. The CD also includes
correct controller firmware version.
For the latest controller firmware and the DS4000 Storage Manager host
software for your operating systems, check the IBM support web site for DS4000
storage products.
Before any planned system shutdown or after any system additions, removals, or
modifications (including firmware updates, logical drive creations, storage
partitioning definitions, hardware changes, and so on), save the storage subsystem
profile as explained in the DS4000 Storage Manager guide for your operating
system. Save the profile in a location other than the logical drives created for the
DS4700 Express.
Always refer to the readme that is included with the DS4700 Express Storage
Subsystem firmware package (whether the firmware is accessed by the Web or CD)
for any special requirements or restrictions that apply to that particular firmware
version. See “Finding DS4000 readme files” on page xxvii to learn how to access
the DS4000 readme files on the Web.
Note: Make sure that you install the DS4000 Storage Manager event monitoring
service to enable continuous monitoring of the status of the storage
subsystem. For more information about the importance of this information,
see “Monitoring status through software.”
Monitoring status through software
Use the DS4000 Storage Manager client to monitor the status of the storage
subsystem. Run the software constantly, and check it frequently.
1. You can only monitor storage subsystems that are within the management
domain of the storage-management software.
2. If you have not installed the DS4000 Storage Manager Event Monitor service as
part of the storage-management software installation, the DS4000 Storage
Manager Enterprise Management window must remain open. (If you close the
window, you will not receive any alert notifications from the managed storage
For more information, see the Enterprise Management online Help.
Important: Refer to the IBM System Storage DS4000 Storage Manager Version 10
Installation and Host Support Guide for the appropriate operating
system for instructions on how to install the DS4000 Storage Manager
host software.
122 IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide