
v Create tables of any complexity.
v Draw circles, partial circles, ellipses, and partial ellipses.
AFP Toolbox is available on OS/390
, z/OS
, AIX, and OS/400 platforms.
For more information about AFP Toolbox, refer to this Web page:
http://www.ibm.com/printers/R5PSC.NSF/Web/AFPToolHome. For more information
about AFP PrintSuite and Utilities for iSeries, refer to this Web page:
AFP Utilities
AFP Utilities for iSeries (Program Number 5769-AF1) can simplify the creation of
advanced design documents. AFP Utilities is made up of three interactive,
menu-driven utilities: Overlay, Print Format, and Resource Management. Overlay
Utility lets you design AFP electronic forms directly on an OS/400. Print Format
Utility lets you build AFP reports without any application program. Resource
Management Utility helps manage electronic forms and image resources.
For more information about AFP Utilities for iSeries, refer to this Web page:
AFP Viewer Plug-in
The AFP Viewer plug-in displays documents that are in AFP format, such as
documents downloaded from the OS/390 host or from the Web.
The AFP Viewer plug-in is available for Windows 95/98, Windows 2000, and
Windows NT, and requires Netscape Navigator (Version 3.01 or higher) or
Internet Explorer (Version 3.01, Level 4.70.1215 or higher). You can
obtain the AFP Viewer plug-in at no extra charge from the IBM Printing Solutions for
iSeries Web page: http://www.ibm.com/printers/r5psc.nsf/web/as400overview.
Infoprint Designer for iSeries
Infoprint Designer for iSeries (Program Number 5733-ID1) is designed to create
electronic output that optimizes customer and mission-critical communications such
as statements, invoices, labels, and supply chain management documents. The
product makes it easy to change documents and customer communications quickly,
which helps you be responsive to customer needs. For more information, refer to
this Web page: http://www.ibm.com/printers/R5PSC.NSF/Web/ipdesignerHome.
Infoprint Designer runs on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows
iSeries Access
IBM iSeries Access for Windows (Program Number 5722-XW1) provides
PC-to-iSeries connectivity. It provides a single solution to meet the desktop users
needs, such as working with databases or other data stored on the server, running
5250 applications, or administering the iSeries environment. Through the iSeries
Navigator and AFP Workbench Viewer components, you can manage AFP
resources and view AFP files. For more information, refer to this Web page:
24 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide