44 IBM 9077 SP Switch Router: Get Connected to the SP Switch
The enadmin command is used to change the administrative state of a
dependent node in the GRF; it has the following characteristics:
• It is part of the ssp.spmgr fileset.
• It must only be executed on the Control Workstation.
• It can only be executed by the root user.
• The
-r option from endefnode and endefadapter triggers enadmin -a
, while the -r option from enrmnode triggers enadmin -a reset.
• The return code is 0 if successful, 1 if failed.
Table 6 shows the list of commands from the second group (executable by
any user on any standard node):
Table 6. New Commands (User Executable)
These commands have the following characteristics:
• They are part of the ssp.basic fileset.
• They can be executed on any standard RS/6000 SP node.
• They can be executed by any user.
• They only affect the current active partition unless the
-G option is used.
The following sections describe the commands in more detail. The endefnode Command
endefnode command can be executed using smit. The fast path for smit is
enter_extnode. This command is used to add or change an extension node in
the SDR DependentNode class. Its options are shown in Table 7 on page 45.
Command Description
splstnodes List SP nodes
splstadapters List SP adapter