84 Nortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter
Configure the Cisco Core1 and Core2 for tagged LACP trunks
In the configuration mode, access the interface level for G0/11 and G0/12:
conf t
interface range G0/11-12
Enable IEEE 802.1Q tagging with VLAN 5 untagged and allow only the VLANs which should
be carried over the LACP trunk:
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk native vlan 5
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,10,20,99
switchport mode trunk
Disable the Cisco proprietary dynamic trunk protocol DTP:
switchport nonegotiate
Enable LACP by choosing a channel-group number and use active mode:
channel-group 2 mode active
That creates virtual interface called Port-channel2 (or short Po2).
For the port range G0/1-2, there should be already a static trunk configured (see 7.6.1, “Layer
2 configuration with 802.1Q tagging and trunk failover” on page 70). If not, the above steps
must be repeated with G0/11-12 replaced by G0/1-2. Consequently only the aggregation
mode must be changed for ports G0/1 and G0/2 (could be done for the virtual interface Po1
interface range G0/1-2
channel-group 1 mode active
Remember that the ports are still shut down.
Verify the LACP trunk status
Before enabling the configured ports to get the LACP trunk up, Spanning Tree must be
activated. After that and re-enabling the ports, the status of the LACP trunks can be checked
/i/l2/lacp/dump on the GbESM
show lacp int and show lacp nei on the Cisco switch
7.7.2 Common Spanning Tree configuration - IEEE 802.1D and PVST
The GbESM interoperates with Cisco Per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST) protocol using up to
16 Spanning Tree groups. This section shows how to configure separate Spanning Tree
Groups (STG) for each VLAN using Cisco’s proprietary PVST and IEEE 802.1D
(Common/Mono Spanning Tree).
Important: Do not enable the configured ports at this time to avoid a Layer 2 loop, what
could be deadly for the whole network. Spanning Tree has to be configured and activated
before. See 7.7.2, “Common Spanning Tree configuration - IEEE 802.1D and PVST” on
page 84 and 7.7.3, “Rapid Spanning Tree IEEE 802.1w” on page 95.