2: Mainboard Installation
Expansion Slots
This mainboard has two 32-bit PCI expansion slots, an AMR slot.
Follow the steps below to install a PCI/AMR expansion card.
1. Locate the PCI, AMR slots on the mainboard.
2. Remove the slot cover for the expansion slot from the system
3. Insert the expansion card edge connector into the slot and press
it firmly down into it so that it is fully inserted.
4. Secure the expansion card bracket to the system chassis using
the screw that held the slot cover in place.
AMR Slot
The AMR (Audio Modem Riser) slot is an industry standard slot
that allows for the installation of a special audio/modem riser card.
Different territories have different regulations regarding the
specifications of a modem card. You can purchase an AMR card
that is approved in your area and install it directly into the AMR
WOL connector