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6. If you use the /etc/services le in your environment, add the following
entry for the dfsgw service to the /etc/services le on the machine:
dfsgw 438/udp dlog
where dfsgw is the name of the service, 438 is the port at which the
service receives RPCs, udp is the protocol the service uses to
communicate, and dlog is an alias for the dfsgw service.
If you use an NIS services map in your environment, you added an entry
to the services map le when you congured the rst Gateway Server
process. You do not need to add the entry to the services map when you
congure NFS clients.
The NFS client is now congured to provide access to DFS and to allow users
of the client to authenticate to DCE with the dfs_login command. Repeat
these steps on each NFS client to be congured in this manner.
16 DFS for Solaris: NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference