
Technical information is available on a wide range of topics, such as:
Hardware setup and configuration
Preinstalled software
OS/2, DOS, and Windows
In addition, the latest device driver updates are available.
The IBM PC Company Bulletin Board System (BBS) can be reached 24 hours a day,
7 days a week. Modem speeds of up to 14 400 baud are supported. Long distance
telephone charges might apply. To access the PC Company BBS:
In the U.S., call 1-919-517-0001.
In Canada:
In Halifax, call 902-420-0300.
In Montreal, call 514-938-3022.
In Toronto, call 905-316-4255 or 416-956-7877.
In Vancouver, call 604-664-6461 or 604-664-6464.
In Winnipeg, call 204-934-2735.
Commercial online services that contain information about IBM products include:
Use the following GO words: APTIVA, IBMPS2, ThinkPad, PowerPC,
ValuePoint, IBMSVR, or IBMOBI.
Use the Jump command; type IBM and select PC Product Support.
America Online
Use the “Go to” keyword IBM Connect.
On the World Wide Web, the IBM Personal Computers home page has information
about IBM Personal Computer products and support. The address for the IBM
Personal Computer home page is:
Getting Information by Fax
If you have a touch-tone telephone and access to a fax machine, in the U.S. and
Canada you can receive by fax free marketing and technical information on many
topics, including hardware, operating systems, and local area networks (LANs).
100 Using Your Personal Computer