Chapter 3: Supported Reports and KPIs
34 IBM Tivoli Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack
CCM SQL Server number of locks blocking
Total number of locks blocking other processes.
CCM SQL Server number of pending rw Total number of reads and writes pending
CCR Cumulative conceal ratio. Cumulative concealment ratio during a call
represented as concealment time / speech time
CS Conceal seconds. The number of seconds of concealment during a call
CallDuration Time value in seconds of the call duration.
CallsActive Total number of currently active calls for the resource or resources
CallsInProgress Total number of calls being established at the time of sampling
CauseCallRejected Call was rejected by the far end
CauseChannelUnacceptable Call failure due to lack of acceptable TDM channel
CauseDestinationOutOfOrder Called destination is not in service
CauseInvalidNumberFormat Call failure due to invalid number format
CauseMisdialedTrunkPrefix Call failed due to a misdialed trunk prefix
CauseNetworkOutOfOrder Call failed because the network was out of order
CauseNoAnswerFromUser Call failed because there was no answer at the destination end
CauseNoChannelAvailable Call failed due to lack of available channel
CauseNoRouteToDestination Call failure due to lack of route to destination
CauseNoRouteTransitNetwork Call failued due to lack of available route in the transit network
CauseNoUserResponding Call failed because receiving end sent no RTP data
CauseNumberChanged Recipient number has changed
CauseOther Call failure code is 'other'
CauseResourceUnavailable Call failed due to lack of resources
CauseSubscriberAbsent Call failed because the subscriber called is tagged as absent
CauseSwitchCongestion Call failed due to switch congestion
CauseTemporaryFailure Generic temporary call failure
CauseUnassignedNumber Call failed due to unassigned destination number
CauseUserBusy Call failed due to busy received from destination
Cluster Erlang Cluster Erlang measured in minutes: ClusterCallDuration / 60
Cluster Number of Direct VoiceMail Calls
Total number of VoiceMail Calls that are Direct call to VoiceMail. This is
the case when a user dials directly his VoiceMail. This metric is the opposite
of ForwardToVoiceMail.
Table 2: Key performance indicators
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