Chapter 4. Tuning the operating system 129
Draft Document for Review May 4, 2007 11:35 am 4285ch04.fm
22:01:25.515601 IP plnxsu4.34088 > plnxsu5.40500: . 136734377:136735837(1460) ack 66752 win 46
22:01:25.515610 IP plnxsu4.34088 > plnxsu5.40500: . 136746057:136747517(1460) ack 66752 win 46
22:01:25.515617 IP plnxsu4.34088 > plnxsu5.40500: . 136757737:136759197(1460) ack 66752 win 46
22:01:25.515707 IP plnxsu5.40500 > plnxsu4.34088: . ack 136678897 win 3061
22:01:25.515714 IP plnxsu5.40500 > plnxsu4.34088: . ack 136681817 win 3061
22:01:25.515764 IP plnxsu5.40500 > plnxsu4.34088: . ack 136684737 win 3061
22:01:25.515768 IP plnxsu5.40500 > plnxsu4.34088: . ack 136687657 win 3061
22:01:25.515774 IP plnxsu5.40500 > plnxsu4.34088: . ack 136690577 win 3061
Impact of socket buffer size
Small socket buffers may cause performance degradation when a server deals with many
concurrent large file transfer. As Figure 4-16 shows, a clear performance decline is observed
when using small socket buffers. A low value of rmem_max and wmem_max limit available socket
buffer sizes even if the peer has affordable socket buffers available. This causes small window
sizes and creates a performance ceiling for large data transfers. Though not included in this
chart, no clear performance difference is observed for small data (less than 4Kbytes) transfer.
Figure 4-16 the comparison with socket buffer 4Kbytes and 132 bytes
4.7.5 Additional TCP/IP tuning
There are many other configuration options which may increase or decrease network
performance. The parameters we describe below may help to prevent a decrease in network
performance. The following sysctl commands are used to change these parameters.
Tuning IP and ICMP behavior
Disabling the following parameters prevents a cracker from using a spoofing attack against
the IP address of the server:
sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.accept_source_route=0
tran rate per sec by recv size
1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 1E+05 3E+05 5E+05
Local socket buffer size
trans rate per sec
16Kbytes (rmem,wmem=132K)
32Kbytes (rmem,wmem=132K)
64Kbytes (rmem,wmem=132K)
128Kbytes (rmem,wmem=132K)
16Kbytes (wmem,rmem=4k)
32Kbytes (wmem,rmem=4k)
64Kbytes (wmem,rmem=4k)
128Kbytes (wmem,rmem=4k)
Response data size
decline observed by
small socket (Local
socket buffer size is
limited to 8Kbytes)