12. If you are using an internal SSA cable, connect the SSA cable to the SSA
adapter. Refer to the
PCI SSA 4-Port RAID Adapter Installation Guide
information on connecting the SSA cable to the SSA adapter. The cable should
be routed up and placed in the cable holders under the top of the system and
routed through the top cable exit hole beside the fan assembly. Continue with
step 14 on page 5-74.
13. If you are using the external SSA bulkhead cable:
a. Remove the bulkhead plate at the rear of the system.
b. Attach the SSA bulkhead cable to the inside rear of the system using the two
screws that you removed from the plate.
c. Apply the three cable retainers as shown in the illustration.
Attention: The cable retainers must be applied with the clamp opening
towards the I/O planar cover against the inside lip away from the I/O planar
cover, as shown.
d. Place the SSA bulkhead cables into the three retainers.
Chapter 5. Installing Options 5-73