134 Model Driven Systems Development with Rational Products
Right-click the new ${system.name} folder that you pasted and select Edit →
Find/Replace (or press Ctrl-f).
Type ${system.name} in the Search string field and click Replace.
Type DopplerController in the With field and click Replace All.
Repeat these steps to create the systems GroundStation,
WeatherTrackingController, WeatherTrackingProcessor and
Realize a system operation
In this task you take one of the candidate system operations (provide local
weather data operation) identified in the last task and realize it as a use case at
the system level:
In the Project Explorer, expand 01 System Level → Use Cases (Level 0
Copy the {$use.case} building block and paste it in the Use Cases (Level 0
Operations) package
Use the Find/Replace feature to change the name to provide local weather
data (Figure 6-52).
Figure 6-52 Rename the use case
In the Project Explorer, expand the provide local weather data package,
then expand the provide local weather data collaboration, and then
expand the provide local weather data interaction (Figure 6-53).
Figure 6-53 Expand the use case, collaboration, and interaction