If you need more information about the lights, see:
For adapter lights, “Introducing the IBM SerialRAID Adapter” on page 1 in this
For other lights, the service information for the device that contains the lights.
Status of Light Meaning
Off Both SSA links are inactive.
Permanently on Both SSA links are active.
Slow flash
(two seconds on,
two seconds off)
Only one SSA link is active.
Locating a Broken Loop
Using the RSM configurator, go to the Physical View of the selected adapter and look
for the symbol Break. This indicates a broken SSA loop.
Using the DOS configurator you can access the disk service aids to show the SSA loop
that is broken.
│CONFIG SSA Configurator and Service Aids yymmdd DOS Version│
│ Main Menu │
│ ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
│ │ Disk Service Aids │
│ ├─────────────────────────────────────┤
│ │ Link SSA UID Status │
│ │ Port A1 │
│ │ UIDxxxxx │
│ │ UIDyxxxx │
│ │ UID3xxxx │
│ │ UID4xxxx │
│ │ -------- │
│ │ UID5xxxx │
│ │ Port A2 │
└──│ Port B1 │
│ No disks │
│ Port B2 │
│<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help <F2> Format │
│<F3> Certify <F4> ServiceMode <F5> Diagnostics <F9> FlashOn │
│<F1> FlashOff @
This example screen shows a break (the dotted line) in the SSA loop between the
second and third disk drives. In the condition shown by the display, the Ready lights
on the second and third disk drives are both flashing.
SSA Link Errors 17