Warranty Statements
The warranty statements consist of two parts: Part 1 varies by country. Part2
is the same for both statements. Be sure to read both the Part 1 that applies
to your country and Part 2.
Worldwide except Canada, Puerto Rico, Turkey and United States
(Z125-5697-01 11/97)
(Part 1 - General Terms)
Worldwide Country-Unique Terms
(Part 2 – Country Unique Terms)
United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada (Z125-4753-05 11/97)
(Part 1 - General Terms)
Translations of IBM's warranty statements also can be found on the
Installation Diskette. Your Installation Diskette includes translations of IBM's
Statement of Warranty in the following languages:
Worldwide Statement of Warranty (Except Turkey, U.S. ,Puerto Rico and
Arabic Z1255697-ara.htm
Brazilian Portuguese Z1255697-bra.htm
Bulgarian Z1255697-bul.htm
Chinese Z1255697-chi.htm
Croatian Z1255697-cor.htm
Czech Z1255697-cze.htm
Danish Z1255697-dan.htm
Dutch Z1255697-dut.htm
English Z1255697-eng.htm
Finnish Z1255697-fin.htm
French Z1255697-fre.htm
German Z1255697-ger.htm
Greek Z1255697-gre.htm
Hebrew Z1255697-heb.htm
Hungarian Z1255697-hun.htm
Italian Z1255697-ita.htm