combine three backup scripts into a grouping task and then specify a
reorganization as a follow-on task that will be executed if all of the backup scripts
execute successfully.
To see the most recent information, click the Refresh icon
button. You can
view the results as follows:
v To see the results from the last time a task was executed, right-click the task and
select Show Results.
v To see the results from every time a task was executed, open the Journal. In the
Journal, you can right-click the task execution that you are interested in and
select Show Results.
see help text for a message that appears in the execution results, open the
Command Center and enter the error message preceded by a question mark. For
example, enter ? SQL0100 to get more information about message SQL0100W.
Several customizable saved views are available via the pull-up menu at the bottom
of the Task Center.
Related concepts:
v “Getting started with the Command Editor” on page 46
v “Getting started with the Journal” on page 52
Getting started with the Journal
You can start the Journal in the following ways:
v Select Journal from the Tools menu of another tool.
v Click the Journal icon
from the toolbar of another tool.
v On Windows systems, click Start and select Programs —> IBM DB2 —> [DB2
copy name] —>General Administration Tools —> Journal.
Journal displays historical information about tasks, database actions and
operations, Control Center actions, messages, and alerts.
52 Getting started with DB2 installation and administration