Index Page 237
phone settings 162
preferences 159–172
primary DNS 167
secondary DNS 167
selecting service 159
TCP/IP 159
user name 160
Network HotSync operation 146
Notes, attaching to records 71
decimal point and thousands
separator 155
Graffiti writing 29
onscreen keyboard 16, 20, 35
1-2-3, for expense reports 208
Onscreen keyboard 20, 35, 57
pen stroke to open 153
Address Book 51
applications 16–17
Calculator 54
Date Book 50
Expense 54
Mail 114
Memo Pad 53
To Do List 52
Organizer (Lotus PIM) 36
Outbox 122, 126
Outlook, connecting to 13, 187
Overlapping events 81
Owner preferences 173
Palm Desktop for IBM WorkPad. See
Desktop software
Passwords 46–48
changing 47
creating 46
deleting 47
for network 161
forgotten 48, 193
Pasting text 56
Payment, Expense item 103
Pen stroke, full-screen 152–153
Personal information managers. See
Phone Lookup 66–67
Phone numbers
selecting for Address List 88
selecting types 87
Phone settings for ISP or dial-in
server 162–164
Pick lists 16
PIM (personal information manager)
using HotSync Manager with 45
using with companion 13
See also Desktop software
Port. See Serial port
Power button 6
PPP 166
PRC (application file extension) 43
Preferences 23
Buttons 152
choosing 41
cradle setting 156
Digitizer 154
Formats 154
General 156
HotSync buttons 154
Modem 158
Network 159–172
Owner 173
ShortCuts 174
Primary DNS 167
expense reports from
Excel 106–109
records from applications 11
Prioritizing To Do List records 91, 95
Priority of delivery (e-mail) 120
Private records
displaying and creating 69–71,
lost with forgotten password 48
See also Security
Profiles 148
Punctuation marks
Graffiti writing 30
onscreen keyboard 35