Country or Region Telephone Number
Italy +39-02-7031-6101 (Italian)
Japan Desktop:
Toll free: 0120-887-870
For International: +81-46-266-4724
Toll free: 0120-887-874
For International: +81-46-266-4724
Both of the above numbers will be answered with a Japanese
language voice prompt. For telephone support in English,
please wait for the Japanese voice prompt to end, and an
operator will answer. Please ask for ″English support please,″
and your call will be transferred to an English speaking
PC Software:
Overseas calls: +81-44-200-8666
Korea 1588-5801 (Korean)
Latvia +386-61-1796-699
Lithuania +386-61-1796-699
Luxembourg +352-298-977-5063 (French)
Malaysia 1800-88-8558 (English)
Malta +356-23-4175
Mexico 001-866-434-2080 (Spanish)
Middle East +44 (0)1475-555-055
Netherlands +31-20-514-5770 (Dutch)
New Zealand 0800-446-149 (English)
Nicaragua 255-6658 (Spanish)
Norway NetVista, ThinkCentre, and ThinkPad: +47 6699 8960
All products: +47 815 21550
Panama 206-6047 (Spanish)
Peru 0-800-50-866 (Spanish)
Philippines 1800-1888-1426 (English)
Poland +48-22-878-6999
Portugal +351-21-892-7147 (Portuguese)
Russian Federation +7-095-940-2000 (Russian)
Singapore 1800-3172-888 (English)
B-22 ThinkPad
X4 Dock User’s Guide