88 Hardware Maintenance Manual: xSeries 220
Some application programs require specific ports, and some modems function
properly only at certain serial port addresses. You might need to use the
Configuration/Setup Utility program to change serial port address assignments to
prevent or resolve address conflicts.
Viewing or changing the serial-port assignments
To view or change the serial-port assignments, do the following:
1. Restart the server and watch the monitor screen.
2. When the message Press F1 for Configuration/Setup appears, press F1.
3. From the main menu, select Devices and I/O Ports; then, press Enter.
4. Select the serial port; then, use the arrow keys to advance through the available
5. Select Save Settings; then, select Exit Setup to exit from the Configuration/Setup
Utility main menu.
Serial-port connectors
The following table shows the pin-number assignments for the 9-pin, male D-shell
serial-port connectors on the system board. These pin-number assignments conform
to the industry standard.
Universal Serial Bus ports
The server has two Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports, which configure automatically.
USB is a serial interface standard for telephony and multimedia devices. It uses Plug
and Play technology to determine the type of device that is attached to the connector.
1. If you attach a standard (non-USB) keyboard to the keyboard connector, the USB
ports and devices will be disabled during the power-on self-test (POST).
2. If you install a USB keyboard that has a mouse port, the USB keyboard emulates a
mouse, and you will not be able to disable the mouse settings in the
Configuration/Setup Utility program.
Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 Data carrier detect 6 Data set ready
2 Receive data 7 Request to send
3 Transmit data 8 Clear to send
4 Data terminal ready 9 Ring indicator
5 Signal ground
Table 10. Serial-port connectors pin-number assignments.