Flake Ice Machines How To Use This Manual
Page A2
ICE-O-Matic provides this manual as an aid to the service technician for installation, operation, and
maintenance of flaked ice machines. This manual covers all EF and EMF series flaked ice machines.
If used properly, this manual can also help the service technician troubleshoot and diagnose most of
the problems that may occur with the machine.
Sections A and B of this manual provide general and maintenance information. The remainder of the
manual, beginning with Section C, provides troubleshooting information. Section C contains flow
charts called troubleshooting trees. Page C1 provides instructions on using the troubleshooting trees.
Each troubleshooting tree is named to describe a particular problem with the operation of the
When following the troubleshooting trees, the service technician will be led through questions and
checks and end up at a probable solution. When using the troubleshooting trees it is important that
the service technician understand the operation and adjustments of the components being checked
and the component suspected of being defective. A detailed description of the operation and
adjustments of the components as well as other service information is laid out in the pages that follow
Section C.
Each section, after Section C, focuses on a particular system in the ice machine; water system, drive
system, refrigeration system and electrical system. It is important that these sections be used
together with the troubleshooting trees in Section C.
Most aspects of flake ice machines are covered in this manual. However, should you encounter any
conditions not addressed herein, please contact the ICE-O-Matic Technical Service Department for
assistance at the numbers listed below, or write the ICE-O-Matic Service Department.
11100 East 45
Denver CO 80239
Attn: Technical Service Department
Phone: (800) 423-3367 After Hours Only (888) FIX-4-ICE (349-4423)
Fax: (303) 576-2944
E-Mail Tech.service@iceomatic.com
Any service communication must include:
• Model Number
• Serial Number
• A detailed explanation of the problem
WARNING: Always disconnect electrical power and shut off water supply
whenever maintenance or repairs are performed on the ice machine and
related equipment.
CAUTION: Always wear protective eyewear whenever maintenance or
repairs are performed on the ice machine and related equipment.