Model : __________________ Serial No. : ______________Customer’s Name : __________________
_________________________________________________Tel. No. ___________________________
Address :___________________________________________________________________________
Installation Check Points
Machine Delivered on : __________________ Machine Installed on :_______________
1. Any Major transit damage to the machine observed Yes No
2. Condition of Earthing/Plug Point (16 Amp.
230V AC with MCB or other automatic short circuit
protection devices. )good
If poor, customer has been advised, to correct the same Yes No
3. User Manual Delivered Yes No
4. Inform user of need to keep drain hose
straight & maximum height of draining. Yes No
5. Warranty term explained Yes No
6. Machine levelling procedure &
importance explained Yes No
7. Detergents and bleach recommendation
revelent DD tray chambers explained Yes No
8. Basic wash demo given Yes No
9. Trouble shooting explained Yes No
10.Check following for proper order :
a. Inlet Hose Yes No
b. DD Tray Yes No
c. Ratmesh fitted ( If applicable ) Yes No
d. Drain hose Yes No
11.Do’s and Don't’s explained Yes No
12.Display function explained ( If applicable ) Yes No
13.Procedure for cleaning rubber sleave / coin trap Yes No
14.Program selection, Programs & buttons options
( other knob ) explaind Yes No
15.Indicator lamp/Status LED function ( if Applicable ) Yes No
16.Buzzer function ( if Applicable ) Yes No
Installed by :_______________________ Signature : ________________________________
Customer’s response
1. The installation person was courteous & Helpful. Yes No
2. I would describe my experience
with installation as Unacceptable Satisfactory
Non Satisfactory Very Satisfactory
I certify that the above information & checks have been done to my satisfaction & I am fully satisfied with
the installation of the washing machine.
Customer’s Signature________________Date :__________________ Time : ____________